Institute dynamics
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September 18 afternoon, the municipalparty committee secretary Zhang Bing, the municipal party committee standingcommittee, the municipal party committee secretary-general put Kaoquan, vicemayor Yin Haihua and other city leaders to visit the Zoelectric Institute,around the "economic operation, scientific and technologicalinnovation" to carry out research, in-depth understanding of theZoelectric Institute innovation and entrepreneurship, scientific research andother aspects of the work. Professor Feng Xue of Tsinghua University, Presidentof the Institute, and other key officials of the Institute attended the wholereception.

Zhang Bing and his delegation inspectedthe technology exhibition hall, flexible chip production line and CNASlaboratory, and listened to the basic situation of the Institute and itsachievements in cutting-edge technology, innovation and entrepreneurship,platform and other aspects of work.

The Secretary Zhang Bing highly praisedthe Institute when he learned in detail about the significant achievements madeby the Institute.

Zhang Bing said, from the developmenthistory of more than three years, the Institute has achieved a butterfly leap,R & D, manufacturing, testing are excellent, the next, flexible electronictechnology application space is unlimited, I hope that the Institute furtherclose cooperation between the Institute and local cooperation, accelerate thescientific research results on the ground.

It is a new type of high-end researchinstitution jointly built by Tsinghua University and the Zhejiang ProvincialPeople's Government, which is deeply involved in Zhejiang and serves thecountry, and continues to explore the cooperation model of "virtual bodywithin the university and entity outside the university". Based on itscore business of focusing on key technologies for flexible electronics andapplications, manufacturing processes and pilot tests, as well as research ontesting technologies and standards, the Institute has continued to producelandmark results and is actively building a first-class technology researchinstitute in China.

Secretary Zhang Bing's affirmation,support and encouragement of the Institute fully reflects the concern and highregard of the municipal party committee for the Institute. The Institute willcontinue to serve the regional economy and industrial development with its highlevel of scientific and technological innovation and engineering capabilities,transforming innovation into a strong driving force for high-qualitydevelopment, and making more contributions to speeding up the building of aninnovative and dynamic new city for the future!

The municipal party committee office, thecity political research office, the city development and reform commission, thecity economic and information bureau, the city science and technology bureauand other municipal departments in charge of the main, as well as the SouthLake district, the district of the main responsible person for the relevantdepartments accompanied the visit.
